Double your storage capacity

Proud distributor of Montel products

We provide expert solutions to satisfy all of your unique shelving and storage needs. StorMor is there for every step from initial designs to sales and installation in order to provide you with the safest, smoothest-rolling, and longest-lasting product available.

We partner with Montel to provide state-of-the-art design and engineering of compact high-density rolling shelving systems. Montel and StorMor bring you the best product with premier project management to ensure on-time, on-budget solutions!

Expertise - Experience - Exceptional Service


We provide the best-in-class high-density storage systems designed for your industry with various configurations to fit your needs: Linear Storage, Compact Storage, Lateral Storage, Rotary Storage, Multi-Level Storage.

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With over 25 years of experience, StorMor is committed to helping clients creative efficient solutions for a variety of different industries.